Valuable Stories You Wrote This Week → January 28 — February 3, 2019

On Quora, Feeling Like a Fraud, Dealing With A-Holes, Reflections on 1 Year of Writing on Medium, and Getting Curated

Joren van Schaik
6 min readFeb 3, 2019

Good evening readers and writers.

I must say that this was a fun week.

Why, you ask?

Because we all got to know each other a bit better. I think that I speak for many of us when I say that Iva Ursano is our sunshine on Medium. She certainly has that effect on me.

We discovered 40 things that each of our favourite writers love about life. We also found out about certain funny, peculiar quirks. There were some unique lists that surprised me multiple times.

No matter how serious your life is, there should always be some room for child’s play. We should never forget — nor abandon that special part of us. The world is chaotic and fucked up enough on its own. I guess that’s an inevitable part of being an adult.

Anyway, down to business.

You wrote some great stories again this week.

I learned some profound lessons from you. Thank you for all your advice.

There is always something someone else know that you don’t know, and vice versa. So don’t ever feel like your stories aren’t valuable. They could change an important aspect of someone else’s life if they are created with the right intentions.

I established this project of weekly compilations because I want to do something completely selfless at least once every week. So, never feel like you’re obligated to clap, comment or do something else in return.

Great writers with valuable content deserve recognition. We can build something beautiful much faster if we work together. I suppose this is my way of supporting your articles. A couple more eyes and claps are always welcome, right?

I started out with the idea of purposely not putting these compilations behind the paywall. It seems more honest and right this way. You work hard to share your stories and I don’t want to diminish that. I want to enhance it.

On the other hand, putting it behind the program might garner more views and claps for all of us. It could build a larger network faster. I honestly don’t know what’s the best thing to do here.

How do you feel about it?

Thank you for your stories.

See you next week.

How I Reached 400k Readers In 3 Mos On Quora

A Quick Guide to Non-fiction Storytelling

By Charlie Bayer

“The element of writing a story that answers a question does not require a person to join or write answers on Quora. Quora simply demonstrates the power of a question and the art of an answer, which is a helpful tool for storytellers.”

Why You Feel Like a Fraud

By Melody Wilding,

“A core negative belief that you are inadequate and unworthy can greatly damage your professional growth.

Because you fear being exposed as an Impostor, you may do things to avoid embarrassment and humiliation. For example, you may procrastinate and never finish a project to avoid the shame of criticism.”

How To Identify Your Values

“… and act towards them when life gets tough.”

By Brian Pennie

“Values are beliefs, attitudes and standards of behaviour about what’s important in life. They are also subjective and may change over time. Some commonly held values include integrity, loyalty, compassion and honesty.”

Some Practical Thoughts On Dealing With Assholes.

By Tim Denning

“Assholes are a fact of life. They can come in the form of a boss, or a customer, or an employee, or an ex-partner, or a stranger on social media that leaves you a harsh comment. Assholes are everywhere.

This is not a negative post about assholes. It’s an opportunity to find strategies around how to deal with them and find a way to glean some positivity from these individuals.”

A Practical Guide For Finding Balance In The Craziness Of Life

By Tom Kuegler

“When you boil down what humans actually want, it’s just happiness. End of story. Don’t get it twisted by thinking it’s more followers or more money.”

The Art of Listening and How It Can Improve Your Writing

By Michelle Birge

“When you’re in a conversation, it’s easy to jump into communicating with that person to serve your own intentions. Instead of doing this, practice being present and hearing them. This is a major mind shift and will take a lot of effort. But when done, it will change your conversations for the better.”

The Conversation I Would Have With My Three-Year-Old Self If Given The Chance

By Brian Kurian

“As we grow older, we tend to forget more and more about the child we used to be. We tend to forget how playful and innocent we were back in the early days of our life. As we go through life, often times we become shaped by the things that happen to us. We meet new people, have new experiences, and evolve as a human being.”

Reflections on One Year Writing on Medium

By Jeff Barton

“When I reflect on this past year of writing on Medium, what stands out most is the people. It’s not the money, the views, the claps or the number of stories I’ve written.

It’s you. It’s also that feeling of belonging to something greater. And that is worth more than any statistic.”

If You Fight The Ebb, You’ll Never Get Back To The Flow

Some days we’re less inspired than others. It doesn’t have to mean anything.

By Deb Knobelman, PhD

“Now I know, I remember, I see the pattern. And the only true pattern in life is this: nothing lasts forever. Great times, bad times. Moments of high motivation and low. Everything changes, sooner or later. And no one can perform on all cylinders all day, every day. If they try, it usually leads to a crash and burn. So in some ways, without the ebb, there can be no flow.”

How I Got Almost 30% of My Stories Curated by Medium

If you’re confused about Medium curation, here are (hopefully) some answers.

By Tesia Blake

Write about what bothers you, what keeps you up at night, what you can spend hours taking to your friends about and not get tired. Write about the stuff you just have to put out there.

That’s how you get authentic writing that catches someone’s — anyone’s, Medium Curator’s included — attention.”

How You Can Make Over $1000 per Month on Medium

From making $3.35 in September to $1036.62 in January.

By Zulie Rane

“Writing more, reading more, thinking more. Even just relaxing more, and not spending time on Medium. Take that time and use it wisely.”

Thank you for reading!

*All the credits for each of these stories go to the people who wrote them.



Joren van Schaik
Joren van Schaik

Written by Joren van Schaik

Writer, Cinematographer & Video Editor of “WOLVEFANG” on Youtube. Misfit and Free Thinker.

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